Cheltenham (SA)

TRACK:    DEAD                         
  Out 3 metres entire circuit.


Shortly after the start TERTIAN’S GAMBLE (J Maund) shifted out and brushed TWISTED DREAM (D Carney).

Near the 500 metres FAIRWAY GAME (J Lyon) became held up momentarily when attempting to ease away from the heels of TERTIAN’S GAMBLE (J Maund), which had commenced to weaken.


SAN SIMEON (S Price) jumped away awkwardly.

At the entrance to the straight RIPOSTE (Darren Holland), which was inclined to hang out, was taken out by SURROUND GLORY (J Maund), which was inclined to shift away from THE UMAT (C Buchiw).

RACE 3 – HONDA CR-V HANDICAP    2270 metres

The start of this race was delayed owing to BAITENHAUSEN (B Claridge) and STAR GAMES (S Tronerud) being placed in the incorrect barrier stalls.  Stewards questioned both riders together with Starter Mr L Cromwell and the Assistance Start Mr W Bartlett accepted the explanations tendered.

Inside the 600 meters GINGER RAJA (P Gatt) was obliged to steady and lose its position when tightened by SHOWGAZER (J Bowditch), which shifted in.  J Bowditch was reminded of his obligations when shifting ground.


Near the 1000 metres WORLDY WAYS (C Buchiw) was inconvenienced when it improved into a tight position inside CYPRESS LAKES (S Price).

RACE 5 – SMOKE-FREE HANDICAP    1260 metres

Mrs H Frew the trainer of ROYAL PLAYER, which proved difficult to load was advised that a repetition if its behaviour may lead to action being taken against it.

CHOCKO (C Lindop) jumped away awkwardly.

EXCELS (C Lever) hung out making the home turn.  C Lever confirmed that his mount was inclined to lay out throughout the race.

TAIPAN ANNIE lost its off hind plate during the running of the race.

RACE 6 – MARSH HANDICAP    1360 metres

The start of this race was delayed owing to BLUE BOWS being difficult to load.  Mrs B Perry was advised that a repetition of this mare’s behaviour might lead to action being taken against it.

On jumping away GO SPIDER (J Bowditch) shifted out and inconvenienced BRITNEY (D Carney).

LUCENTIER (S Tronerud) jumped away very awkwardly.

TENNESSEE ROYAL (M Pumpa) jumped away awkwardly and was brushed by BRITNEY (D Carney), which shifted out.

Approaching the 200 metres ANOTHER FARE (J Holder) became disappointed when attempting to improve on the inside of NIKALAPKO (S Price), which shifted in.  S Price was reprimanded and advised to take greater care when shifting ground.

Inside the 100 metres RUMAH BATIK (W Kerford), which was inclined to shift in and away from NIKALAPKO (S Price), shifted in tightening SCIATICA (J Lyon) taking that gelding in on to LUCENTIER (S Tronerud).  As a result, LUCENTIER commenced to lay back resulting in those runners continuing to race tight to the finish. 

Correct weight was delayed to permit J Holder the rider and B Papazaharoudakis the trainer of ANOTHER FARE to view the official film in the vicinity of the 200 metres.

NIKALAPKO lost its near front plate during the running of the race.

Stewards questioned apprentice M Pumpa and stable foreman Mr J Cornell representing Mr A McEvoy into his riding of that filly in the early and middle stages of that race.  After taking evidence from M Pumpa and Mr Cornell Stewards adjourned this inquiry until a date to be fixed to further investigate.   Following the running of the race TENNESSEE ROYAL was examined by the Club’s Veterinary Surgeon, which revealed no visible abnormalities.

RACE 7 – BONNETT’S HANDICAP    1460 metres

GENERAL MAGIC was withdrawn by Stewards at 12 (noon) acting under advice from trainer Mr Walker that the gelding had failed a veterinarian examination on Friday.  Mr Walker was questioned regarding his failure to scratch GENERAL MAGIC as required by the rules.  After considering Mr Walker’s submission and investigating the matter with the attending Veterinarian Mr Walker was found guilty of a breach of LR 92 and fined $100.

Approaching the 300 metres, SMOKEY ISLAND (c Symons), which was inclined to hang out, shifted out and hampered QUICK CLASS (J Maund).   In consequence, FRAAR’S TURN (S Price) was obliged to shift out to avoid the heels of QUICK CLASS.  C Symons was advised to greater care when shifting ground.

In the vicinity of the 700 metres RUSTY DUSTY GREY (S Tronerud) was obliged to steady off the heels of VOODOO SUNSET (B Claridge), which rolled in.

RACE 8 – JAYCO HANDICAP.   1000 metres

SKYE KAYJOY, which performed poorly, was examined by the Club’s Veterinary Surgeon who reported no visible abnormalities.


Race 1


Race 5


Race 2