Positive Step in New Racing Restructure

Thoroughbred Racing SA Ltd. (TRSA) and the South Australian Jockey Club (SAJC) have announced a new restructure to their business development and marketing operations. TRSA Ltd. and the SAJC are delighted to form a partnership in the marketing and promotions of all metropolitan events. The restructure is an integral part in forging a stronger partnership between the two bodies and ensuring the continued growth identified in the Industry Marketing Plan - Prosperity 2005.

Mr. Glenn Hardy, Business Development Manager (TRSA Ltd.) has been appointed to the management role of the two departments. This arrangement will allow for coordinated communications and efficiencies within the South Australian Racing Industry.

Mr. Peter Lewis, Chairman, South Australian Jockey Club, said "this is a positive step forward for our club. Thoroughbred racing SA Ltd. will provide a resource that our club will be able to access to further improve and promote racing at our three racecourses".

Mr. Stephen Harvey, Chairman, Thoroughbred Racing SA Ltd said, "it is imperative that Thoroughbred Racing SA supports the SAJC with appropriate and effective resources. This initiative will again raise the profile of racing in South Australia and is a result of teamwork between the industry body and SAJC".

Media Release - TRSA