South Australian Racing Releases Blueprint For Future

The Board of Thoroughbred Racing SA has released its blueprint for the future of racing in South Australia with the launch of its Strategic Plan 2009-2012.

The Strategic Plan 2009-2012 sets a number of clear objectives for the next three years, ranging from:

  • further improvements in corporate governance and club management;
  • significant development of club infrastructure and facilities;
  • further significant increases in prizemoney levels to encourage horse ownership; and
  • a focus on the consumer across the thoroughbred racing industry.

The Strategic Plan 2009-2012 incorporates a wide range of specific strategies against each objective along with clear measurements to gauge the effectiveness of the strategies.

Chairman Philip Bentley said the document was the result of several months of detailed work by the Board.

"A great deal of thought has gone into understanding the background behind each individual issue. Each strategic objective has been framed in context to ensure every action or initiative is directly linked to a real issue," he said.

"The Board believes this is a crucial point, as the thoroughbred industry is not a business that can be managed or grown solely on the basis of focusing on financial figures. Rather, it is an industry upon which thousands of South Australians rely for their livelihoods."

As part of the Strategic Document, a goal has been set to increase prizemoney levels by 40% over 2009-2012.

"While not releasing our financial forecasting at this stage, I can say that the Board is very comfortable with the revenue increases we are projecting over the three-year period covered by the Strategic Document," he said.

"These increases will further enable Thoroughbred Racing to carry out its stated aim of securing the long-term financial viability of the thoroughbred racing industry in South Australia while also further lifting prizemoney levels.

"Put simply, we are building a better industry."

The Thoroughbred Racing Strategic Plan 2009-2012 public document can be viewed at

Media Release - TRSA