SA Jumps Scene Sound While Victoria Still Shakes

Jumps racing is well and truly alive in South Australia and if last Saturday’s meeting at Oakbank is any indication, the sport has never been healthier.

What a great beginning to the new season. The signs are positive that Oakbank over the two days at Easter will be bigger and brighter than ever.

Oakbank is a true icon of Australian racing and what racing is all about that must be preserved at all costs.

The Hurdle race attracted a field of 12 runners with the Steeplechase comprising of 13 starters. There was just the one fall with horse and rider both escaping injury.

The jump’s looked far more impressive than we currently have in Victoria, with the last jump being a growing hedge.

The race club is in the process of growing further hedge fences that could be in use as early as next season.

Whilst in Victoria there is still a lot of indecision as if the industry is in a state of limbo -nobody quite certain knows what to expect.

The present season that was due to commence on the 6th of April has already been put back a couple of weeks and there could easily be further delays.

Alterations to the obstacles are well behind schedule and until that work is completed there can be no trials.

Horses will have to trial successfully over the new jumps before they will be permitted to race.

They are just a few of the nagging problems facing the industry which can be overcomed with a bit of common sense, however it is not the major issue.

The major issue for Racing Victoria is how they will install confidence into an industry that has been shattered, and picking up the pieces is not going to be easy.

Racing Victoria obviously don’t understand the fundamentals associated with the jumping industry. It can be a very costly exercise for little reward.

Owners cannot be expected to invest tens of thousands of dollars into an industry that is already on a shaky foundation.