McLean Suspended Over Oakbank Irregularity

Brad McLeanStewards have concluded an inquiry into the circumstances in which Brad McLean, a licensed Jumps Jockey, provided a urine sample at Oakbank on Monday, 5 April 2010, in which the substance Phentermine was detected. 

Phentermine at a concentration above 500 ug/L is declared as a banned substance under Rule AR.81B.

Evidence was taken from Brad McLean, who admitted taking a dietary preparation in the period immediately prior to Oakbank. 

In addition the Stewards considered evidence from a medical expert.

McLean pleaded guilty to a charge under Rule AR.81A(1)(a) in that the sample provided by him contained a banned substance.

The Stewards suspended his licence to ride in races for a period of four weeks commencing at midnight on Friday, 14 May and to conclude at midnight on Friday, 11 June 2010. 

Having regard to the reduced jumping programme within Victoria and the rider’s welfare, acting under Rule AR.81D, the Stewards determined to stay the final week of this penalty on the proviso that McLean undertook an approved educational programme provided through the Victorian Jockeys’ Association.

Brad McLean was informed of his Right of Appeal.

Picture: Colin Bull