Irwin's Drug Inquiry Adjourned

r4lisairwin.jpg (8946 bytes)Stewards yesterday continued inquiries into the urine samples presented for analysis by Licensed Jockey, Lisa Irwin at the Hamilton Racing Club meeting at Hamilton racecourse on Monday, 26th August, 2002 and her failure to deliver a further urine sample that day as requested by the Stewards.

Stewards also inquired yesterday into urine samples provided by Lisa Irwin at the East Geelong Medical Centre on Tuesday, 27th August, 2002.

Further evidence was taken yesterday from Lisa Irwin and Mr Peter McMillan, Racecourse Detective, Racing Victoria Limited.

Evidence was also taken from Dr John Vine, Director, Racing Analytical Services Laboratory and Ms Sharon Pope.

Written submissions were tendered from Dr Dennis Shum, Geelong.

Lisa Irwin was charged with an improper practice in that on Monday, 26th August, 2002, at the Hamilton racecourse, after being requested by the Stewards to provide a sample of her urine for analysis she presented a urine sample, which had been provided by another person.

Lisa Irwin was also charged with giving false evidence to the Stewards at Hamilton racecourse on Monday, 26th August, 2002. The false evidence being that she told the Stewards that a urine sample that she had presented was her own when it fact it had been provided by another person.

Lisa Irwin was further charged in relation to urine samples provided by her at Geelong on Tuesday, 27th August, 2002, which she had been directed to provide at Geelong by the Hamilton Racing Club Stewards on the 26th August, 2002, which upon analysis contained a banned substance under the Rules of Racing.

Ms Sharon Pope was charged with being a party to a person committing a breach of the Rules at the Hamilton racecourse on the 26th August, 2002, in that she provided a urine sample, which was later, submitted by Lisa Irwin for analysis.

Stewards accepted the explanation given by Lisa Irwin for failing to deliver a further urine sample at Hamilton racecourse on the 26th August, 2002.

After giving consideration to a request for an adjournment from Lisa Irwin, Stewards adjourned the hearing to a date to be fixed.

Media Release - Racing Victoria