Taxiride To Star at Valley's Opening Night Meeting

Australian band Taxiride will launch this year’s Spring Racing Carnival, this Friday night when the Carlton Draught Night Racing season resumes at Moonee Valley.

Following the success of the three concert nights last season both Moonee Valley Racing Club and its partner Carlton Draught have committed to continue with the concept.

"This is the fifth season of night racing and we are delighted at the growth of the key meetings last season and this has provided a solid platform for this year," said MVRC Chief Executive Paul Brettell.

Carlton Draught Night Racing proved particularly successful last year with key performance indicators for attendance, food and beverage sales and turnover, all up on the big nights.

25 October 2001



1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02
  11, 365 10,078 11,233 12,714


$4,886,000 $5,658,000 $6,387,000 $5,463,000

Food & Beverage

Total Take per Head Total Take per Head Total Take per Head Total Take per head
  $173,184 $15.24 $122,478 $12.15 $239,292 $21.30 $264,803 $20.83

*The 2001/02 Turnover figure is lower due to there being one less race in comparison to the previous years.

13 December 2001

Attendance 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02
  8,055 5,990 6,582 7,336


$3,252,000 $3,955,000 $2,980,000 $3,482,000

Food & Beverage

Total Take per head Total Take per head Total Take per head Total Take per head
  $124,242 $15.42 $73,891 $12.34 $111,466 $16.93 $138,374 $18.86

24 January 2002


1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02
  13,322 14,372 10,245 10,970


$4,121,000 $5,175,000 $4,478,000 $3,848,000

Food & Beverage

Total Take per head Total Take per head Total Take per head Total Take per head
  $152,306 $11.43 $75,729 $5.27 $169,628 $16.60 $123,673 $11.27

*The 2001/02 turnover figure is lower due to the Group 1 Australia Stakes moving to March.

These figures illustrate that from a business perspective the night racing concept has been a considerable success, particularly with the added value of the Industry being able to add additional day meetings because of Moonee Valley’s initiative.

"Night racing is a unique product and one in which we believe we can attract a whole new generation of racegoers who are interested in the social aspect as well as the excitement of racing," said Mr Brettell.

In another unique move, the Moonee Valley Racing Club has decided to celebrate 5 years of night racing by waiving the $165 joining fee for membership until October 11.

"With the Carlton Draught Cox Plate just around the corner, this is a wonderful opportunity for people to sign up as Members of the Valley just in time to see Australia's Best Race," said Mr Brettell.

Another initiative introduced recently at the Valley which has proved a huge success is Young Members functions. A Young Members event on September 14 attracted over 600 people and a similar event scheduled for the night racing launch on October 4 booked out within 3 days.

Media Release - MVRC