'Greatest-ever' Cup Field To Be Revealed

A fictional greatest-ever Melbourne Cup field will be revealed on Wednesday as celebrations to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the great race are stepped up.

The exclusive field, selected by Racing Victoria's chief handicapper Greg Carpenter and called the Greatest Cup Never Run, features 24 of the most outstanding horses of the past 149 years.

The field is included as part of The Story of the Melbourne Cup; Australia's Greatest Race, to be launched at the Melbourne Museum on Wednesday.

Edited by Slattery Media Group racing editor, Stephen Howell, the book of racing essays, illustrations and images features contributions from 35 of Australia's premier racing and sporting writers.

The field for the dream race will be unveiled in the same style as the Melbourne Cup barrier draw.

Attending the launch will be Victorian premier John Brumby and deputy premier and Racing Minister Rob Hulls as well as some of racing's legends including three-time Melbourne Cup-winning jockey Glen Boss, dual Cup-winning jockey Roy Higgins and dual Melbourne Cup-winning trainer Mick Robins.

Both the 1910 (Comedy King) and 2010 Melbourne Cup trophies will be on display.